Four Blocks is a
balanced-literacy framework created for teaching language arts, based on the
premise that all children don't learn in the same way. It integrates four
language arts areas into reading instruction. These areas are: guided reading, self-selected
reading, writing, and working with words.
The program consists of four teaching models, each presented daily at a time scheduled by the teacher according to classroom needs:
The program consists of four teaching models, each presented daily at a time scheduled by the teacher according to classroom needs:
■ Guided Reading
assigns children from all reading levels into small-group sessions called
“book-club” groups. The objective is to teach comprehension and mastery of
progressively more difficult material through exposure to a wide range of
■ Self-Selected Reading
usually begins with the teacher reading aloud. Next, children read on their
own, selecting from a variety of books gathered by the teacher. This block may
include a small group reading an easy book with on-level instruction. The block
usually ends with one or two children sharing their books with the class in a
“reader’s chair” format.
■ Writing starts
with a 10-minute writers' workshop in which the teacher models the writing
process. The children write their own stories on topics of their choice. The teacher
helps the children revise, edit and publish their writing. The block ends with
an “author's chair,” with several students describing work in progress or
published books.
■ Words begins
with the “Word Wall,” a 10-minute review of frequently occurring words posted
above or below an alphabet (five new words per week). Students practice new and
old words daily. Children learn spelling patterns using phonics to read new
words and learn the patterns that allow them to decode and spell new words.
At Discovery School, we believe that this teaching framework is for use
in regular, heterogeneously constructed classrooms. The framework allows
at-risk students to receive specialized programming, such as Reading Recovery,
and to benefit from this model as well.
findings from emergent literacy research have demonstrated that children who
easily learn to read and write have a variety of experiences with reading and
writing that enable them to profit from school literacy experiences
(Cunningham & Allington, 1999). Classroom teachers will provide a variety
of reading and writing experiences from which all children develop these six
critical understandings, which are the "building blocks" of their
Ms. Nora Sierra
Lower Elementary Coordinator