Monday, September 16, 2013

Why are Progress Reports important?

A critical element of any student's learning experience is the need for informed and meaningful feedback to those invested in the student's progress.  Reporting on student progress must have a well-defined purpose for it to be meaningful.   It must clearly identify the information needing to be communicated, the audience it is intended for and how that information will be used to improve future or related learning.

Educators believe that there are three primary purposes for reporting student progress:
1.    To communicate student growth to parents and the broader community.
2.   To provide feedback to students for self-evaluation.
3.   To document student progress and the effectiveness of instructional programs.

Discovery School is a school that has a commitment to and believes in supporting the individual learner.  It is critical that each child has a means to recognize and pursue individual interests, unique abilities, and to have his or her personal learning style honored.   The importance of communicating individual student progress to those with a stake in the learner’s growth and performance is of great value.
To fully support our school’s principles of learning, we believe we need to report on student growth in three

Student progress or the performance of each learner is measured in relationship to the shared standards that have been established at our school.

product of student work is best characterized as what a student knows and can do at a particular point in time.  The work a student produces is most typically demonstrated through the completion of ongoing assessments, assignments, presentations and projects.  While teachers will use the quality of a student’s product to assess progress toward meeting the standards, developmentally appropriate criteria and grading will be used to support students in the completion of the work they produce. 

The process each learner uses to enhance his/her achievement is measured by the student’s attitude toward learning, effort, work habits and utilization of developing learning strategies.                

Our school recognizes that students, parents and teachers alike must work together to support student learning.  Effective, meaningful and regular communication of student progress allows for open and constructive dialogue with parents and others; supports student self-evaluation and goal setting; and, provides important documentation for program evaluation and improvement.  Ultimately, our means of grading student progress will support and accentuate a desire for lifelong learning.  

Ms. Nora

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