Nowadays in many schools, looping has
been integrated as a regular procedure. It has become normal for students to
spend more than one year with the same teachers. This year to enhance learning in
first grade, we decided to implement looping, or teaching our kids from last
Benefits of Looping
1) Relationships with students
Teachers and students can look back
and laugh at shared experiences from previous years, and also look ahead to what
things can be done this year. There is a level of trust that can only be built
up over time. Students feel comfortable talking to the teacher as a trusted
mentor, and will often even share stories that most students would not typically
share with their new teacher. A high
level of caring and respect is developed in the classroom.
2) Relationships with parents and
Knowing the parents of my students very well makes
it easier to work as a team. Parents know the way the teacher works, as well as
what to generally expect during the year. They feel comfortable talking with
the teacher or send him/her questions about assignments or grades, which can
make things much less complicated than when parents need to adjust to
completely different ways of working each year.
3) Understanding student needs
the students’ strengths and general weaknesses right from the first day of
school changes expectations for the year. It is very easy for teachers to
remember where students started from, the progressions they have made, and what
goals he/she still need to work on. I can remember the skills that each student
struggled with the year before, as well as what tasks they usually excel at.
There are no wasted days at the beginning of the year – coming back from summer
vacation is like coming back after a long holiday. We catch up on what everyone
did, and then pick up where we left off, with new skills and projects to work
4) Promotes teacher innovation
just can’t teach the same thing every year when you have the same students!
Teachers need to use new skills and competencies to develop according to the
education programs the school has and follows. Every year teachers need to
think of new projects, new texts to read, new activities to do, and new units
to cover. It really prevents them from reusing the same materials over and over
for years on end. One of the biggest challenges as a teacher is being up to
date with new technologies and ideas in education and be able to incorporate
into the classroom.
Benefits classroom management
you start teaching the students in your class, you establish routines and
procedures for almost everything. There are rules to follow, and consequences
for not following them. Every year,
teachers have a new class with new procedures to learn. In my class, the
students come in September already aware of what I will tolerate, as well as
what I expect from them. New students pick things up quickly as they integrate
into our well-established group.
Ms. Nora Sierra
1 A Teacher
Early Childhood Assistant Principal
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